Tuesday, November 08, 2005

I was just thinking.....

This is my new thing I'm going to start on here. I came to the realization that this blog is starting to turn into a photo album of my neice. Actually, I was in full realization of that when I started the blog, but I was just thinking....that you guys, as readers of my blog, need more meat and potatoes and less dessert. Well, maybe not LESS dessert, but definately more meat and potatoes. I'm sorry I neglected your needs. So I'm starting this new portion of my blog entitled "I was just thinking..." So, if any of you want my opinion on something...let me know and I'll be sure to include it. If no one gives me a topic, I'll make up my own...and I'm not sure you want that...or do you?


Holly Petersen said...

I was just thinking...What is the definition of normal? Isn't normal relative? Who is normal?

Becky said...

Topic: "What part of the body are YOU most like? and why?" (and don't say the genitals or the butt)