Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pinch me.....

OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! So, I've been trying to contain myself, and you guys are probably going to get sick of hearing it, but the greatest thing just happened yesterday. My friend, Erin....bought go see......WICKED. Breathe. It's a dream come true. I can barely contain myself. I'll be waiting in wild anticipation for Novemember to rear it's gorgeous head. We are going the day before Thanksgiving. If you haven't heard of it, I suggest you either read the book or google it. :o)

Thursday, June 12, 2008

This is actually a road......then there's supposed to be a ditch, then a cemetary there on the left. You can kind of see the headstones.

This pic is looking into the cemetary. It's not the best picture because the weather was what else???? RAINY!!

This is the closest I can get to hwy 218

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Holy Floodtown USA

I took these pictures one block away from the house. I don't know if you can see that white car in the distance, but it's definately under water. It's even worse over there now. The second picture is of the house across the street from ours. Amber called today and said it was a lot worse over there now, but I've been at work since around noon, at it's now 9 ish. And the third picture was of me trying to zoom in on the white car, but I think it just ended up being the same picture. This area is concidered moderately flooded compared to that of North Cedar Falls where my friend, Steph and her family live. Downtown Waterloo was also flooded horribly.