Tuesday, February 13, 2007


This one cracks me up...this guy's name is Craig. Could his face be any redder?

Mortally Chaotic.....

So, I went to Minneapolis this weekend. Shawew! It was a good time to say the least. Erin and I have made it tradition (three years running now) to go see a local band called "Mortal Chaos" for my birthday. This year, they had a special show just for my birthday (*tear*). Erin and I made tshirts with spray paint and stencils. In case you can't read them, the front says "I'm with the band" and the back says "Mortal Chaos". I would be lying if I said there weren't more than a couple people that were jeal of our find handywork and craftsmanship. Here are some pics of our night with Mortal Chaos and some of their faithful followers. I'll try to explain them as I go...but most of them speak for themselves.

Monday, February 05, 2007

For those of you that do not have myspace....

Here's a little something I wrote on my myspace profile...I thought I would share with those of you who have not been introduced to the splendor that is Myspace.

My Ultimate Quests: There are a few simple joys that I feel I must experience in my lifetime....

I would like to own a gnome. There's no real good reason for me wanting to own a garden gnome. I think they're neat. It can't just be any gnome, though. It has to be one that isn't holding a squirrel or a toad or any other prop. I just want a plain gnome just standing there being a cute little gnome.

I want to play the violin. Now, I'm not saying I want to be the first chair in the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Just a few screeches of the bow across the strings would do it for me.

I want to go to Wal*Mart and take pictures with my friends in Holiday turtlenecks.

I want to move so that I'm closer to work and not driving 40 miles there and 40 miles back.

I want to see a broadway show. I think just about any broadway show would appease me. Hey, I live in Iowa...beggers can't be choosers.

I want to dig out my 80's outfit and go hear some 80's power rock in Minnesota with Erin.

I want to learn to do a cartwheel.

I want to learn as much as possible about the Cleveland Browns (my team) and buy a jersey and wear it with pride.

I want to be a taebo champion.

I want to make and distribute t-shirts that say "I've got a mullet and some biceps, what are my options.

I want to use the money from my t-shirt sales to open a daycare and name it something fun.

I want to be on a gameshow. Winning it would be nice, but not a requirement.

I want to pet a whale or a dolphin or one of those mammals that look slippery, but everyone tells me they are bristly.

I want to meet someone famous and act like I don't care that they're famous. And we will drink martinis (or maybe something fruity) and talk about the hum drum of the everyday.

I want to go back to South Dakota to visit Auty and to take pictures at cock rock. (like we should have done the first time we went)

I want to make a soup in a pumpkin.

I want to adopt a child through the Sally Struthers foundation and post the certificate on my blog.

I want to own a chia pet. I would name him Archibald (most likely)