Monday, July 31, 2006

Wild Wild One!

Hunter had a "Wild Wild West" birthday theme for her first birthday. Here are a couple of the pictures I took for her WANTED posters.

Lissy's birthday!

It was 103 degrees on Lissy's birthday, so what better way to cool off than I dip in the nearby lake? Punkie strapped on her lifejacket and came along for the ride too!

Justin's fire

As many of you may know, my brother Justin's house caught on fire about a week and a half ago. Everyone is fine and they are actually doing quite well thanks to the donations and prayers from everyone around us/them. Justin and Trish actually put a bid on another house in Randolph and are pretty sure they got it. They are staying in a rental house in Randolph for now. This rental house has a little window in one of the inside walls with a little door on it, so Kyla had the perfect idea to use the fake McDonald's food that someone donated to them and turn it into a drive-thru window!! Only in America, right?!?! So, Ber, Kyla, Jaidyn and I spent the better half of an afternoon playing McDonald's drive-thru. I love my life!

Nick's wedding!

One of my best friends from high school got married last weekend and Ber and I made the trip to the big city of Dolph to celebrate with him and his new wife.


Here are some pictures of Hunter the day Amber and I found out that she's going to be a big sister. Naturally we had to take her to Toys R Us and buy her big sister prize! One picture is of Hunter bargain shopping, one is a close-up cutie pic of Hunter, one is of Hunter munching on an onion sliver (which she loved), one is of Hunter chilling out before it was time to go home, and the last one is of Hunter showing off her walking skills in the middle of Toys R Us.

apparently I have some blogging to do

So....a lot has happened in the life of ME since I last posted a blog...Let's see. I got a new job. I'm working at a place called Affina where I set up AT&T phone service for customers in Ohio. I've only been working there for 2 weeks and I"m not even all the way through training yet. I still have a couple more days to go. It's actually been pretty challenging, supposedly I'm on one of the hardest accounts in the company.
Hunter's birthday was on the 8th. She is walking now and last I checked, she had 8 teeth! That's pretty good concidering the day before her birthday she didn't have a single tooth yet. She walks everywhere she goes now. I also found out a week ago that Hunter is going to be a big sister!!! That's right! Opie and Teri have been blessed with another pregnancy! We find out on Friday how far along she is, she is thinking about 2 1/2 months! YAY!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Scroll blog's down there...

for some reason the blog's messed up, I think it's because the link to my last post is too long.


So, I put Punkie's picture in a cutest pet photo contest. I can't wait to find out if she won or not!