Saturday, March 08, 2008

Hello blog, it's me....Holly.

So, I realize it's been awhile, but I'm an extremely busy gal.....with limited computer access. Since I blogged last I have been busy moving, getting a new job, planning a baby shower and planing a bridal shower/ bachelorette party. YAY! All fun things.

I got a new job at Grainger. Today is actually my first day on the myself. And wouldn't you know it? OUR SYSTEM IS DOWN!! It's fine though, honestly. It's easier having the system down than having it be up and running, but it still kind of sucks since we don't really know what we're doing anyway. I sit in a row of fun girls. I can't even begin to express how much better this job is than my last. I don't even know how to put it into words. More pay, more's just awesome.

I don't have any fun pictures or anything to share this time....but soon, my friends...soon. The fun thing about this job is they let you load your pictures on their computers. Alas, I better scoot. I've got things to do and learn right now.

Later taters!

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