Friday, October 10, 2008


So, obviously by the sounds of the header, you know who I’m voting for. It’s all just too scary to me to think that someone like McCain could possibly be the leader of the free world. It stresses me out.
I have to admit, in the last election, I voted based on who my friends were voting for. I really had no conception of politics. I didn’t even know what politics were. It was kind of pathetic. I don’t exactly know what flipped the switch in me, but for some reason in this election, I could talk about all of the reasons I want Barack in office until I’m blue in the face. I can’t help myself. If you need any insight or if you still don’t know who you’re voting for in this election, let me offer you some information.
Did you know that McCain wants to tax all businesses on healthcare benefits. This will make it nearly impossible for the majority of American businesses to afford healthcare benefits to their employees? What does this mean for you? Most likely it means that you will not have healthcare coverage and if you decide to seek coverage on your own, it will cost you about $350 a month. Just for insurance! And that’s before McCain taxes the crap out of it. I don’t know a lot of Americans that have an extra $350 a month laying around right now. So, I’m going to venture to guess a lot of people will go without coverage, making it impossible to pay medical bills if and when that time comes. It’s a vicious cycle.
Where have I been? I really never had an opinion either way on the war…but that’s because I didn’t know what is going on. I didn’t even realize that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. They actually had no problem with us until we started going in and bullying them around. I realize we’re doing good things and we’re helping them to build up their government and stopping raping and beating of women and children there, and I think that’s all GREAT. BUT…..I have a big problem with trying to build up someone else’s government when we can’t even control our own. Why don’t we focus on our own economy and our own rape and murder and homelessness and complete devastation going on in THIS country, before becoming the world authority over other people. We are spending MILLIONS of dollars a MONTH on Iraq. That is millions of dollars a month that we don’t have. If we’re going to take our troops away from their families, why don’t we focus them where the real terror is? Let’s go ahead and put them in Afghanistan…you know, the country that killed thousand of people and bombed our towers and caused fear and heartbreak to our whole country? Yeah…let’s focus on them for a change. Did you know that ¼ of the troops that are in Iraq are in Afghanistan? It makes me sick.
“I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. “ –Barack Obama
McCain calls Ethanol highway robbery. If he gets into office, he plans to do away with ethanol. This means thousands of Iowa jobs will be GONE. Not to mention, we’d be taking a step back in our quest to become less dependant on foreign oil. Obama wants to have us completely weaned (for lack of a better word) from foreign oil in 8 years. He actually has a PLAN TO DO THAT! It thrills me beyond belief! Can you imagine how freeing that would be to the US? Not to mention, Barack plans on giving credits to people for the rising energy prices (1,000 dollars per American) and also wants to provide rebates to people who buy energy-efficient cars to make them more affordable.
Did you know that McCain has no plan on changing the No Child Left Behind program? 30% of new teachers leave their profession within a year. Obama and Biden believe teachers should not be forced to spend their time preparing students to fill in bubbles on standardized tests. They will improve the assessments used to track student progress to measure readiness for college and the workplace and improve student learning in a timely, individualized manner. They will also improve NCLB's accountability system so that we are supporting schools that need improvement, rather than punishing them.
Also, Obama plans to make college more affordable by addressing the OUTRAGEOUS inflection to make a college degree easier to gain for the average American.

Time and time again, I’ve heard Obama speak of building the economy from the bottom up. It’s excited to me, because McCain’s plan of extending tax cuts to the rich people, and hoping that it trickles down to middle-class America is somewhat repulsive…given the fact that we’ve tried that for the past 8 years and I’ve seen no “trickling”.

I can’t control who you vote for, I do want to urge all of you to INFORM yourselves before you head to the polls. It’s a scary and important time for America and I think it’s pretty much do or die time for us.

I’ll get off the soap box for now. Thanks for listening! If you have any questions for me, please let me know! :o)


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