Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I'm about to get my face barack'd off!!!!
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!! So, about 5 minutes ago I found out that Barack Obama is coming to Iowa!! And...about 3 minutes ago I found out that Tiffany and I are getting free tickets to GO SEE HIM!!! STANDING ROOM ONLY!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure I will have PLENTY to write about in the coming days, but I just can't even process thought right now. I just wanted to keep you guys informed! GO BAMA!!!
Friday, October 10, 2008
So, obviously by the sounds of the header, you know who I’m voting for. It’s all just too scary to me to think that someone like McCain could possibly be the leader of the free world. It stresses me out.
I have to admit, in the last election, I voted based on who my friends were voting for. I really had no conception of politics. I didn’t even know what politics were. It was kind of pathetic. I don’t exactly know what flipped the switch in me, but for some reason in this election, I could talk about all of the reasons I want Barack in office until I’m blue in the face. I can’t help myself. If you need any insight or if you still don’t know who you’re voting for in this election, let me offer you some information.
Did you know that McCain wants to tax all businesses on healthcare benefits. This will make it nearly impossible for the majority of American businesses to afford healthcare benefits to their employees? What does this mean for you? Most likely it means that you will not have healthcare coverage and if you decide to seek coverage on your own, it will cost you about $350 a month. Just for insurance! And that’s before McCain taxes the crap out of it. I don’t know a lot of Americans that have an extra $350 a month laying around right now. So, I’m going to venture to guess a lot of people will go without coverage, making it impossible to pay medical bills if and when that time comes. It’s a vicious cycle.
Where have I been? I really never had an opinion either way on the war…but that’s because I didn’t know what is going on. I didn’t even realize that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. They actually had no problem with us until we started going in and bullying them around. I realize we’re doing good things and we’re helping them to build up their government and stopping raping and beating of women and children there, and I think that’s all GREAT. BUT…..I have a big problem with trying to build up someone else’s government when we can’t even control our own. Why don’t we focus on our own economy and our own rape and murder and homelessness and complete devastation going on in THIS country, before becoming the world authority over other people. We are spending MILLIONS of dollars a MONTH on Iraq. That is millions of dollars a month that we don’t have. If we’re going to take our troops away from their families, why don’t we focus them where the real terror is? Let’s go ahead and put them in Afghanistan…you know, the country that killed thousand of people and bombed our towers and caused fear and heartbreak to our whole country? Yeah…let’s focus on them for a change. Did you know that ¼ of the troops that are in Iraq are in Afghanistan? It makes me sick.
“I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. “ –Barack Obama
McCain calls Ethanol highway robbery. If he gets into office, he plans to do away with ethanol. This means thousands of Iowa jobs will be GONE. Not to mention, we’d be taking a step back in our quest to become less dependant on foreign oil. Obama wants to have us completely weaned (for lack of a better word) from foreign oil in 8 years. He actually has a PLAN TO DO THAT! It thrills me beyond belief! Can you imagine how freeing that would be to the US? Not to mention, Barack plans on giving credits to people for the rising energy prices (1,000 dollars per American) and also wants to provide rebates to people who buy energy-efficient cars to make them more affordable.
Did you know that McCain has no plan on changing the No Child Left Behind program? 30% of new teachers leave their profession within a year. Obama and Biden believe teachers should not be forced to spend their time preparing students to fill in bubbles on standardized tests. They will improve the assessments used to track student progress to measure readiness for college and the workplace and improve student learning in a timely, individualized manner. They will also improve NCLB's accountability system so that we are supporting schools that need improvement, rather than punishing them.
Also, Obama plans to make college more affordable by addressing the OUTRAGEOUS inflection to make a college degree easier to gain for the average American.
Time and time again, I’ve heard Obama speak of building the economy from the bottom up. It’s excited to me, because McCain’s plan of extending tax cuts to the rich people, and hoping that it trickles down to middle-class America is somewhat repulsive…given the fact that we’ve tried that for the past 8 years and I’ve seen no “trickling”.
I can’t control who you vote for, I do want to urge all of you to INFORM yourselves before you head to the polls. It’s a scary and important time for America and I think it’s pretty much do or die time for us.
I’ll get off the soap box for now. Thanks for listening! If you have any questions for me, please let me know! :o)
I have to admit, in the last election, I voted based on who my friends were voting for. I really had no conception of politics. I didn’t even know what politics were. It was kind of pathetic. I don’t exactly know what flipped the switch in me, but for some reason in this election, I could talk about all of the reasons I want Barack in office until I’m blue in the face. I can’t help myself. If you need any insight or if you still don’t know who you’re voting for in this election, let me offer you some information.
Did you know that McCain wants to tax all businesses on healthcare benefits. This will make it nearly impossible for the majority of American businesses to afford healthcare benefits to their employees? What does this mean for you? Most likely it means that you will not have healthcare coverage and if you decide to seek coverage on your own, it will cost you about $350 a month. Just for insurance! And that’s before McCain taxes the crap out of it. I don’t know a lot of Americans that have an extra $350 a month laying around right now. So, I’m going to venture to guess a lot of people will go without coverage, making it impossible to pay medical bills if and when that time comes. It’s a vicious cycle.
Where have I been? I really never had an opinion either way on the war…but that’s because I didn’t know what is going on. I didn’t even realize that Iraq had NOTHING to do with 9/11. They actually had no problem with us until we started going in and bullying them around. I realize we’re doing good things and we’re helping them to build up their government and stopping raping and beating of women and children there, and I think that’s all GREAT. BUT…..I have a big problem with trying to build up someone else’s government when we can’t even control our own. Why don’t we focus on our own economy and our own rape and murder and homelessness and complete devastation going on in THIS country, before becoming the world authority over other people. We are spending MILLIONS of dollars a MONTH on Iraq. That is millions of dollars a month that we don’t have. If we’re going to take our troops away from their families, why don’t we focus them where the real terror is? Let’s go ahead and put them in Afghanistan…you know, the country that killed thousand of people and bombed our towers and caused fear and heartbreak to our whole country? Yeah…let’s focus on them for a change. Did you know that ¼ of the troops that are in Iraq are in Afghanistan? It makes me sick.
“I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. “ –Barack Obama
McCain calls Ethanol highway robbery. If he gets into office, he plans to do away with ethanol. This means thousands of Iowa jobs will be GONE. Not to mention, we’d be taking a step back in our quest to become less dependant on foreign oil. Obama wants to have us completely weaned (for lack of a better word) from foreign oil in 8 years. He actually has a PLAN TO DO THAT! It thrills me beyond belief! Can you imagine how freeing that would be to the US? Not to mention, Barack plans on giving credits to people for the rising energy prices (1,000 dollars per American) and also wants to provide rebates to people who buy energy-efficient cars to make them more affordable.
Did you know that McCain has no plan on changing the No Child Left Behind program? 30% of new teachers leave their profession within a year. Obama and Biden believe teachers should not be forced to spend their time preparing students to fill in bubbles on standardized tests. They will improve the assessments used to track student progress to measure readiness for college and the workplace and improve student learning in a timely, individualized manner. They will also improve NCLB's accountability system so that we are supporting schools that need improvement, rather than punishing them.
Also, Obama plans to make college more affordable by addressing the OUTRAGEOUS inflection to make a college degree easier to gain for the average American.
Time and time again, I’ve heard Obama speak of building the economy from the bottom up. It’s excited to me, because McCain’s plan of extending tax cuts to the rich people, and hoping that it trickles down to middle-class America is somewhat repulsive…given the fact that we’ve tried that for the past 8 years and I’ve seen no “trickling”.
I can’t control who you vote for, I do want to urge all of you to INFORM yourselves before you head to the polls. It’s a scary and important time for America and I think it’s pretty much do or die time for us.
I’ll get off the soap box for now. Thanks for listening! If you have any questions for me, please let me know! :o)
Monday, September 01, 2008
Ok, so..........................
My brother, Aaron (Opie to some of you) and his wife, Teri were told by their landlord at the beginning of the month that they needed to be out of their house by Sept 1st so the house could be sold. So....they bought a different house in town. It's an old house that was built in the 1920's but it huge and has all of the original woodwork...and unfortunately for us, all of the original wallpaper and the nasty carpet and just lots of things that have to be dealt with before they can bring their babies in and call it their home. *this is where I come in
All day last Saturday a good chunk of our family spent scraping 9...count them NINE layers of wallpaper all throughout the entire lower level of the home. So, as a way of saying thank you, Aaron and Teri treated us all to the Rockwell American Legion Post 208 steak fry. I was weak, tired and blistery from the scraping and what have you, but i went anyway. What the hey...free food.
*fast forward about 2 1/2 hours later. I was doubled over on the bathroom floor not knowing if I was going to crap my pants or throw up or just lay there and bawl. My guts felt much like there was some sort of clamp attatched to my intestines and every once in awhile it felt like the clamp was being twisted and I was being punched in the stomach at the very same time. In addition, my back felt as though a 400 lb man was using me as a trampoline. Was it food poisoning? My friend Beth had just called me a couple days before to tell me her husband had to go to the ER for kidney stones. Is it that? I didn't know, I layed on the cold tile floor and prayed to God. "God, oh my God. If I'm being punished for something, I'm super sorry....but if you're just thinking that it's my time to go...just do it. I think I'm ready." It was horrif. (that's an abbreviation for horrific).
Somehow I managed to crawl to bed...because that's where my phone was. I tried calling and texting my sister in law, ber, and my brother to tell them I needed to go to the ER. They were all sleeping peacefully upstairs...probably dreaming about hugging sunshine and picking flowers.
Next thing I know, I hear "it starts in my toes and it crinkles my nose...wherever it goes....." my ringtone. *blink *blink The only explaination I have is that I must have passed out from the pain, but when I heard "Bubbly" the next morning...NOTHING. All of the pain was completely gone. I answered the phone and it was my Bif, Erin. She said "are you ok? what's happening?" Apparently I texted her in the night instead of my brother Aaron....i don't know, i'm suprised I could even type a readable sentence to be honest with you.
So, that Sunday was the day my Aunt Dorothea was leaving to go back to crazy town (I think that's where she's from) and my whole family...grandparents, great aunt and great uncle, regular aunts and uncles and cousins and neices and what have you all went to lunch to celebrate her leaving, I guess. I felt beautifully healthy. If I knew how to do a cartwheel, I would have done one right there in the restaurant....all day I felt like a million dollars...the same could be said for Monday.
And then TUESDAY reared it's ugly head. I was experiencing the same pain, only slightly less intense, but the kicker is that I was actually at work being trained on a new process. So, I'm in the training room trying to concentrate and absorb 4 hours worth of material all while feeling like little germans are playing polo in my stomach and elephants are dancing on my back. So, after training I went to the convenient clinic. By this time I had spoken with both my aunt and my grandma (who are nurses) and we had come to the conclusion that I had gall stones.
The Dr. walks in and says "What can I help you with?" I explain (in slightly less detail than whats printed above) my condition and also said "I would like an ultrasound to check for gall stones. "Well", the Dr. says, "I would like to run a few blood tests and if those come back negative, we'll go ahead and schedule an ultrasound on your gall bladder. I'll send someone in to get some blood."
1 hour and 20 minutes later......a nurse comes in. "What is your name?" By this time I had read the April 2005 issue of Good Housekeeping 6 times...so, needless to say, I was somewhat annoyed. "Holly. Petersen." "Oh, ok...we're still waiting on those results." *door slams
That would be great if I had been sitting in there for an hour and twenty minutes waiting on results...but I wasn't. They hadn't drawn a single drop of blood from my body, so I don't know what results they could have possibly been waiting for. I went out to the front desk and a different nurse says to me "Still waiting on those results.....I don't know what could be taking so long." I like to think I'm a pretty patient person, but DAMN. Can a bitch get a break? I'm in pain, all I want is a stupid ultrasound and a pain pill to knock my ass out.....but instead I'm stuck in the Covenant hospital "convenient" care stupid exam room. GOD! So, finally....about three hours after I had checked in to the office, I was on my way to get my blood drawn. The doctor said he would call me in 20 minutes with my results.
2 hours later, the doctor calls. "Yeah...uhh...Holly. This is doctor stupid face calling. I have your test results back and it looks like your liver enzymes are slightly elevated...So, I'm going to go ahead and check you for Hepatitis."
"YIKES! Where could I have gotten that?!?"
"Hepatitis is actually a fairly easy thing to catch".
Yeah................hepa friggin' titis. So, the doc schedule an ultrasound and a stupid hepatits test. Needless to say, 18mm gall stone (about the size of a marble) and another one that is not measurable because it's stuck in my bile duct.....and NO HEPATITIS.
Anyway, I will be having surgery to get this gall bladder out. Not at the devil hospital (don't worry)...on Sept 11th. Yeah. 9-11. So, call me. I'll probably be pretty bored.
Ok, so..........................
My brother, Aaron (Opie to some of you) and his wife, Teri were told by their landlord at the beginning of the month that they needed to be out of their house by Sept 1st so the house could be sold. So....they bought a different house in town. It's an old house that was built in the 1920's but it huge and has all of the original woodwork...and unfortunately for us, all of the original wallpaper and the nasty carpet and just lots of things that have to be dealt with before they can bring their babies in and call it their home. *this is where I come in
All day last Saturday a good chunk of our family spent scraping 9...count them NINE layers of wallpaper all throughout the entire lower level of the home. So, as a way of saying thank you, Aaron and Teri treated us all to the Rockwell American Legion Post 208 steak fry. I was weak, tired and blistery from the scraping and what have you, but i went anyway. What the hey...free food.
*fast forward about 2 1/2 hours later. I was doubled over on the bathroom floor not knowing if I was going to crap my pants or throw up or just lay there and bawl. My guts felt much like there was some sort of clamp attatched to my intestines and every once in awhile it felt like the clamp was being twisted and I was being punched in the stomach at the very same time. In addition, my back felt as though a 400 lb man was using me as a trampoline. Was it food poisoning? My friend Beth had just called me a couple days before to tell me her husband had to go to the ER for kidney stones. Is it that? I didn't know, I layed on the cold tile floor and prayed to God. "God, oh my God. If I'm being punished for something, I'm super sorry....but if you're just thinking that it's my time to go...just do it. I think I'm ready." It was horrif. (that's an abbreviation for horrific).
Somehow I managed to crawl to bed...because that's where my phone was. I tried calling and texting my sister in law, ber, and my brother to tell them I needed to go to the ER. They were all sleeping peacefully upstairs...probably dreaming about hugging sunshine and picking flowers.
Next thing I know, I hear "it starts in my toes and it crinkles my nose...wherever it goes....." my ringtone. *blink *blink The only explaination I have is that I must have passed out from the pain, but when I heard "Bubbly" the next morning...NOTHING. All of the pain was completely gone. I answered the phone and it was my Bif, Erin. She said "are you ok? what's happening?" Apparently I texted her in the night instead of my brother Aaron....i don't know, i'm suprised I could even type a readable sentence to be honest with you.
So, that Sunday was the day my Aunt Dorothea was leaving to go back to crazy town (I think that's where she's from) and my whole family...grandparents, great aunt and great uncle, regular aunts and uncles and cousins and neices and what have you all went to lunch to celebrate her leaving, I guess. I felt beautifully healthy. If I knew how to do a cartwheel, I would have done one right there in the restaurant....all day I felt like a million dollars...the same could be said for Monday.
And then TUESDAY reared it's ugly head. I was experiencing the same pain, only slightly less intense, but the kicker is that I was actually at work being trained on a new process. So, I'm in the training room trying to concentrate and absorb 4 hours worth of material all while feeling like little germans are playing polo in my stomach and elephants are dancing on my back. So, after training I went to the convenient clinic. By this time I had spoken with both my aunt and my grandma (who are nurses) and we had come to the conclusion that I had gall stones.
The Dr. walks in and says "What can I help you with?" I explain (in slightly less detail than whats printed above) my condition and also said "I would like an ultrasound to check for gall stones. "Well", the Dr. says, "I would like to run a few blood tests and if those come back negative, we'll go ahead and schedule an ultrasound on your gall bladder. I'll send someone in to get some blood."
1 hour and 20 minutes later......a nurse comes in. "What is your name?" By this time I had read the April 2005 issue of Good Housekeeping 6 times...so, needless to say, I was somewhat annoyed. "Holly. Petersen." "Oh, ok...we're still waiting on those results." *door slams
That would be great if I had been sitting in there for an hour and twenty minutes waiting on results...but I wasn't. They hadn't drawn a single drop of blood from my body, so I don't know what results they could have possibly been waiting for. I went out to the front desk and a different nurse says to me "Still waiting on those results.....I don't know what could be taking so long." I like to think I'm a pretty patient person, but DAMN. Can a bitch get a break? I'm in pain, all I want is a stupid ultrasound and a pain pill to knock my ass out.....but instead I'm stuck in the Covenant hospital "convenient" care stupid exam room. GOD! So, finally....about three hours after I had checked in to the office, I was on my way to get my blood drawn. The doctor said he would call me in 20 minutes with my results.
2 hours later, the doctor calls. "Yeah...uhh...Holly. This is doctor stupid face calling. I have your test results back and it looks like your liver enzymes are slightly elevated...So, I'm going to go ahead and check you for Hepatitis."
"YIKES! Where could I have gotten that?!?"
"Hepatitis is actually a fairly easy thing to catch".
Yeah................hepa friggin' titis. So, the doc schedule an ultrasound and a stupid hepatits test. Needless to say, 18mm gall stone (about the size of a marble) and another one that is not measurable because it's stuck in my bile duct.....and NO HEPATITIS.
Anyway, I will be having surgery to get this gall bladder out. Not at the devil hospital (don't worry)...on Sept 11th. Yeah. 9-11. So, call me. I'll probably be pretty bored.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Pinch me.....
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! So, I've been trying to contain myself, and you guys are probably going to get sick of hearing it, but the greatest thing just happened yesterday. My friend, Erin....bought tickets.......to go see......WICKED. Breathe. It's a dream come true. I can barely contain myself. I'll be waiting in wild anticipation for Novemember to rear it's gorgeous head. We are going the day before Thanksgiving. If you haven't heard of it, I suggest you either read the book or google it. :o)

Thursday, June 12, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Holy Floodtown USA

Friday, April 04, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
There's a SPRING in my step!

So, yesterday was the first day of spring....hallelujah! I'm feelin' good. I hear it's supposed to snow tonight in Illinois and Wisconsin. Sucks to be them. I have to say, usually at this time, I have a cold or strep throat or the flu or SOMETHING...but not this year! (knock on wood)
I had yesterday off and went to Snap fitness and signed myself up. I'm the kind of person who really likes to get their money's worth no matter what I buy. So, I'm hoping I won't have to stuff myself into my bridesmaid's dress this August. No one wants to be that girl.
Anyway, I'm super happy it's spring again. I'll be waiting in wild anticipation to see the first daffodil or the first tulip. I can't wait to go for walks with Punkie or to grill out with friends. I can't wait to play boche ball and go camping. YAY! Ok, I'm done with my elations. I better get back to work. Later taters!
Hey, this post is for Brenda Boelter. I don't really know how else to get ahold of you...... but I got your Christmas card and your family is beautiful. I will give you a call as soon as I get ahold of your phone number :o). You don't have to give it to me, I have my ways ;o).
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Hello blog, it's me....Holly.
So, I realize it's been awhile, but I'm an extremely busy gal.....with limited computer access. Since I blogged last I have been busy moving, getting a new job, planning a baby shower and planing a bridal shower/ bachelorette party. YAY! All fun things.
I got a new job at Grainger. Today is actually my first day on the phones...by myself. And wouldn't you know it? OUR SYSTEM IS DOWN!! It's fine though, honestly. It's easier having the system down than having it be up and running, but it still kind of sucks since we don't really know what we're doing anyway. I sit in a row of fun girls. I can't even begin to express how much better this job is than my last. I don't even know how to put it into words. More pay, more respect....it's just awesome.
I don't have any fun pictures or anything to share this time....but soon, my friends...soon. The fun thing about this job is they let you load your pictures on their computers. Alas, I better scoot. I've got things to do and learn right now.
Later taters!
I got a new job at Grainger. Today is actually my first day on the phones...by myself. And wouldn't you know it? OUR SYSTEM IS DOWN!! It's fine though, honestly. It's easier having the system down than having it be up and running, but it still kind of sucks since we don't really know what we're doing anyway. I sit in a row of fun girls. I can't even begin to express how much better this job is than my last. I don't even know how to put it into words. More pay, more respect....it's just awesome.
I don't have any fun pictures or anything to share this time....but soon, my friends...soon. The fun thing about this job is they let you load your pictures on their computers. Alas, I better scoot. I've got things to do and learn right now.
Later taters!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Perhaps a little less wise......
So, yesterday was the day. For about 2 months now, one of my wisdom teeth has been scraping and I do mean SCRAPING against the back of my cheek. It hurt when I talked, smiled, laughed, frowned....really anytime I merely moved my mouth it caused great amounts of pain. It didn't stop me, but it still hurt. Everytime my tooth scraped against my tender flesh, my check got a little more and a lot more painful. Finally, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. Despite the cost, i was going to find a dentist that would pull this thing and I mean NOW. The first place I called sounded a little bit skeezy. they wanted payment up front and it was in a pretty janky neighborhood. The second place I called wasn't open on Thursdays (which is my day off) and the third one I called told me the dentist was on vacation. GRRRRRR!!!! So I called my dad and he told me to wait it out until the first of the year (which was three weeks away) so I wouldn't have to pay my insurance deductible twoice. Good call, Carl...but my effing mouth is KILLING ME!
Truth be told, it was probably more out of fear than frugality that I waited. (Carl's pretty intimidating) As time moved on, I started to form a callus in my cheek which softened the jabs a bit, and before I knew it, it was January 8th!! In a sense, I was licky because my tooth was actually out of the gum, so it didn't require a super painful/expensive surgery. BUT....let me just tell you- when the dentist says "you'll feel a little pinch", what he really meant to say was "I'm going to shove this needle into the roof of your mouth. At first it's going to feel like your mouth is going to explode into your face, shortly followed by a strong feeling that you're going to swallow the roof of your mouth." That shot-it brought tears to my eyes. No one warned me about that thing, but once the medicine had time to absorb, it was all good in the hood-the hood of my mouth, I mean.
I guess I'm a little more accustomed to a rougher style of dentistry. I was expecting the good ol' fashioned prop-your-foot-on-the-side-of-the-chair-one-hand-gripping-the-pliars-and-the-other-braced-on-my-shoulder-pull-with-all-your-might-and-let it rip type of a deal. My dentist said "let me just poke around here and see if you're completely numb. Then I heard some crackling. Then a tug here and wiggle and twist there, and next thing I knew, my tooth was skipping towards my esophogus. Luckily, the dentist used his finger and swept it out of my throat where it safely landed between my bottom lip and my teeth. Cute. But, I was officially ME-less one wisdom tooth. VICTORY IS MINE!
This was yesterday and I have no complicatiosn to report (knock on wood). I have a huge holde where my tooth used to be and a little unpleasant throbbing-but it's nothing I can't handle.
The other good news is that juding by the xrays, I"ll never have to get another wisdom tooth pulled since the other ones are jammed tightly where they are and pose no threat of ever moving. NEATO!
Truth be told, it was probably more out of fear than frugality that I waited. (Carl's pretty intimidating) As time moved on, I started to form a callus in my cheek which softened the jabs a bit, and before I knew it, it was January 8th!! In a sense, I was licky because my tooth was actually out of the gum, so it didn't require a super painful/expensive surgery. BUT....let me just tell you- when the dentist says "you'll feel a little pinch", what he really meant to say was "I'm going to shove this needle into the roof of your mouth. At first it's going to feel like your mouth is going to explode into your face, shortly followed by a strong feeling that you're going to swallow the roof of your mouth." That shot-it brought tears to my eyes. No one warned me about that thing, but once the medicine had time to absorb, it was all good in the hood-the hood of my mouth, I mean.
I guess I'm a little more accustomed to a rougher style of dentistry. I was expecting the good ol' fashioned prop-your-foot-on-the-side-of-the-chair-one-hand-gripping-the-pliars-and-the-other-braced-on-my-shoulder-pull-with-all-your-might-and-let it rip type of a deal. My dentist said "let me just poke around here and see if you're completely numb. Then I heard some crackling. Then a tug here and wiggle and twist there, and next thing I knew, my tooth was skipping towards my esophogus. Luckily, the dentist used his finger and swept it out of my throat where it safely landed between my bottom lip and my teeth. Cute. But, I was officially ME-less one wisdom tooth. VICTORY IS MINE!
This was yesterday and I have no complicatiosn to report (knock on wood). I have a huge holde where my tooth used to be and a little unpleasant throbbing-but it's nothing I can't handle.
The other good news is that juding by the xrays, I"ll never have to get another wisdom tooth pulled since the other ones are jammed tightly where they are and pose no threat of ever moving. NEATO!
That rawked my caucus!
So, at the rist of being heckled and chastised and being thrown into a huge political debate, I'm going to tell you about my grand caucus experience. This was my first caucusing experience and I must admit, I didn't go because I thought that my vote was going to change the world or really even make a difference, but mainly because I wanted to know what the heck the big deal is with the Iowa caucus. Why is everyone so concerned about it? I still don't have an answer to that question, but I did have a rawkin' good time at the caucus.
My only regret is not leaving earlier to get there. The caucus for our district was held at an elementary school. True to form, this chool had almost NO parking. It was absolute hell trying to weave around people in the ice and snow trying to find a spot to park in. Then, once I DID find a spot (8 blocks away), the building was PACKED with people who didn't know where they were supposed to be (myself included). There were HUNDREDS of people and one little guy with a laptop trying to direct groups of people to where they needed to be. We finally got the the basement library and I still needed to register. Registering was easy....but the lines sucked and it was hot down there.
I found the Hillary section (deal with it) and stood there to wait. I looked around me and noticed that everyone had Hillary buttons and shirts and lapel pins and banners. I was jeal. One lady asked me who I was voting for and I said "Hill Dog" and she gave me a high five. Seriously. She was a little old lady too. Cute stuff.
It was fun to see people all giggly and chatty like they were best friends with complete strangers who just happened to be voting for the same person.
There was a lot of counting and hand raising and a little cheering and bantering, but when all was said and done, Hillary, Obama and Edwards each got 4 votes from our district. It was a draw.
After the voting was over, we stayed for some pictures and such and one lady came up to me and gave me her Hillary button. Yay!
My only regret is not leaving earlier to get there. The caucus for our district was held at an elementary school. True to form, this chool had almost NO parking. It was absolute hell trying to weave around people in the ice and snow trying to find a spot to park in. Then, once I DID find a spot (8 blocks away), the building was PACKED with people who didn't know where they were supposed to be (myself included). There were HUNDREDS of people and one little guy with a laptop trying to direct groups of people to where they needed to be. We finally got the the basement library and I still needed to register. Registering was easy....but the lines sucked and it was hot down there.
I found the Hillary section (deal with it) and stood there to wait. I looked around me and noticed that everyone had Hillary buttons and shirts and lapel pins and banners. I was jeal. One lady asked me who I was voting for and I said "Hill Dog" and she gave me a high five. Seriously. She was a little old lady too. Cute stuff.
It was fun to see people all giggly and chatty like they were best friends with complete strangers who just happened to be voting for the same person.
There was a lot of counting and hand raising and a little cheering and bantering, but when all was said and done, Hillary, Obama and Edwards each got 4 votes from our district. It was a draw.
After the voting was over, we stayed for some pictures and such and one lady came up to me and gave me her Hillary button. Yay!
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