Thursday, May 04, 2006

And the Bonehead of the Year award goes to...

ME!!!!! The most disturbing thing happened. I lost my yahoo! mail account. Please allow me to explain. Ber checks my email so habitually that she usually receives emails before I do. It started to make me feel angry and violated, so last night when I was talking on the phone to my sister-in-law, I decided to change my password. I went to bed. Then, when I woke up this morning, I could not remember what I changed the password to! AHHHHHHHH!! I've had this account since I was a sophomore in high school, therefore wouldn't even begin to know the answer to the password question. Also, my whole life was wrapped up in this email address. I had all of my friends' names and phone numbers and email addresses and pictures from my old computer that no longer exist! AHHHHHHHHHH There are pictures from my nieces baptism and baby shower and TONS and TONS of crap all wrapped up in that one yahoo! account. I'm sad and I could probably puke if I think about it anymore. Anyway, I thought I would let you guys that check my blog know to write me at my hotmail account. It's the same as my yahoo! one, only it ends with instead. I'm doing all I can to recover the yahoo! account, but for now they have frozen it up, so I will have to wait until tomorrow.

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