Sunday, February 19, 2006

Looking back.....

Okay, so I went to Minneapolis/St. Paul to visit my best friend, Erin. Who could have known what fun was in store for us? In the next couple of days I'm going to try my hardest to chronicle my time with Erin and her husband, John in Minnesota. I tried my best to keep my camera with me at all times, but you know how it is. Be forewarned....I am funny, and Erin is funny, but I think we might think we are funnier than we actually are. No, I take that back...we're funny.


Becky said...

Erin was my RA in college and Holly was my Ex-Bestfriend in college.... they aren't as funny as they think they are.... believe me! One night they decided to play a trumpet at 3 in the morning.... pretty funny huh? NOT haha

Anonymous said...

I like peepee