So, yesterday was the first day of spring....hallelujah! I'm feelin' good. I hear it's supposed to snow tonight in Illinois and Wisconsin. Sucks to be them. I have to say, usually at this time, I have a cold or strep throat or the flu or SOMETHING...but not this year! (knock on wood)
I had yesterday off and went to Snap fitness and signed myself up. I'm the kind of person who really likes to get their money's worth no matter what I buy. So, I'm hoping I won't have to stuff myself into my bridesmaid's dress this August. No one wants to be that girl.
Anyway, I'm super happy it's spring again. I'll be waiting in wild anticipation to see the first daffodil or the first tulip. I can't wait to go for walks with Punkie or to grill out with friends. I can't wait to play boche ball and go camping. YAY! Ok, I'm done with my elations. I better get back to work. Later taters!