Honestly, friends...I don't have anything to report. My life is pretty humdrum right now....Well, I take that back. It's not humdrum....just filled with little things that make me happy, but would probably bore the pants off of all of you. But, since I've been being asked continuously since my last post for updates...here you go. Please, though...feel free to stop reading whenver. It won't hurt my feelings.
My job has been going really well. I feel like I actually know what I'm talking about and doing, and that's always a good feeling. I will be working 8:30 to 5 like the rest of modern civilization now, and that makes me smile big teeth! I'm also on the assist que, which doesn't mean anything to probably anyone that's reading this (exept for Stephanie and whoever else works at Affina that may be reading this)...but just know, it's a good thing...a really good thing. I love love love the people I work with (with a few exceptions, of course) but for the most part, we're a pretty loveable bunch!
Teri is 7 months pregnant...well, at least that's what the doctor says. She thinks she's further along than that...either way, it's good news. The baby kicks ALL THE TIME, and we're ready to see him/her. I think they're having a boy, but they're still not telling.
Remember back in February when I posted all those pictures and whatnot of my trip to Minneapolis to see Erin and I told you guys about Mortal Chaos? Well, I totally found them on myspace the other night and couldn't be more excited! I'm planning a trip around my birthday to go up and see Erin, and we're totally going again. This time I"ll have a regular job to come back to, so that kind of sucks....but...we know how to squeeze a lot of fun into a small amount of time.
Tomorrow, we are having game night at Stephanie and Matt's house. Who doesn't love game night? I've got some mad skills and they are about to be unleashed upon that household. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!