Monday, July 23, 2007
Fun disguises...revisited.
Remember back when I thought wax lips were fun. I still do, don't get me wrong. But I've recently come to enjoy a new novelty. That's right, the groucho marx fun glasses. I've only just recently acquired the childrens sizes, but I will, oh yes I will, have adult ones....and all who wish are invited to proudly display them at none other than the Wal*Mart portrait studio. I'll let you know when the time is nye. Until then, Hunter and Eastyn will show you exactly how it's done.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
I love Iowa....
Monday, May 07, 2007
I don't think you can handle this....
I walked upstairs to their door and knocked ever so slightly and just then the bat came swooping down at me. I think I about shat myself at this point. I was shaking and convulsing outside of their door in a crumpled up ball of Holly. I was saying in a talking whisper "Ok, guys need to open this &*#$%@#*&% door, there's a *&^%$$&^* bat out here! That didn't I knocked again....the bat swooped again. It felt like this cycle went on for about 12 hours, but in all honesty, it was probably only 10 minutes. Trust me, though....10 minutes of having a bat swooping down at you is PLENTY. Matt finally cracked open the door and just as he did, the bat swooped again and in between Matt trying to not let the bat in and me trying to get into the "bat-free zone". I got squashed between the door and the frame and backed out....leaving me...once again....alone with the bat. I thought, great...Matt's up. He can deal with it. I ran downstairs as quickly as my chubby legs would carry me. But I could still see the shadow of the demon creature circling around the upstairs hallway. the bat finally stopped. At this point, I realized I needed to suck it up and go find the damn thing. I walked ever so gingerly up the steps....and there he was. Sitting on the bookshelf licking his wings. Eff. That's right. Eff, I say. I can't really tell you what happened next. Just know that it involves Matt, a raquetball raquet and a wal*mart bag. EFF, EFF and more EFF.
This may seem like it's not such a big deal...but I want you to think about, really really think about it....I had a BAT land on my freakin' rib cage. WHAT THE HELL?!?!!?!??! I'm sorry...this just happened last night...I'm having a hard time getting over it....I needed to tell you guys.
Bats are gross.
The end.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
All for not.
You gotta know when to hold em...know when to fold em.
Yeah, so.....I moved out of my apartment today.
the end.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
It's like treasure....only you don't get get sick.
I'm blue da ba dee da ba die
So, I've been promising to post some pics of my new apartment. This is it when I first "moved in" although, technically I'm not moved in....but this is the day I got the key. Since then, there has been much painting and scrubbing and painting and scraping. I need you to know that every single room in the entire apartment was slathered in blue....poorly. And, as you can clearly see, it's not a pretty blue. Anyway, Stephanie and I have been working on it for over three weeks now, and though the end is in sight, we still have a lot of work to do.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Mortally Chaotic.....
Monday, February 05, 2007
For those of you that do not have myspace....
My Ultimate Quests: There are a few simple joys that I feel I must experience in my lifetime....
I would like to own a gnome. There's no real good reason for me wanting to own a garden gnome. I think they're neat. It can't just be any gnome, though. It has to be one that isn't holding a squirrel or a toad or any other prop. I just want a plain gnome just standing there being a cute little gnome.
I want to play the violin. Now, I'm not saying I want to be the first chair in the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Just a few screeches of the bow across the strings would do it for me.
I want to go to Wal*Mart and take pictures with my friends in Holiday turtlenecks.
I want to move so that I'm closer to work and not driving 40 miles there and 40 miles back.
I want to see a broadway show. I think just about any broadway show would appease me. Hey, I live in Iowa...beggers can't be choosers.
I want to dig out my 80's outfit and go hear some 80's power rock in Minnesota with Erin.
I want to learn to do a cartwheel.
I want to learn as much as possible about the Cleveland Browns (my team) and buy a jersey and wear it with pride.
I want to be a taebo champion.
I want to make and distribute t-shirts that say "I've got a mullet and some biceps, what are my options.
I want to use the money from my t-shirt sales to open a daycare and name it something fun.
I want to be on a gameshow. Winning it would be nice, but not a requirement.
I want to pet a whale or a dolphin or one of those mammals that look slippery, but everyone tells me they are bristly.
I want to meet someone famous and act like I don't care that they're famous. And we will drink martinis (or maybe something fruity) and talk about the hum drum of the everyday.
I want to go back to South Dakota to visit Auty and to take pictures at cock rock. (like we should have done the first time we went)
I want to make a soup in a pumpkin.
I want to adopt a child through the Sally Struthers foundation and post the certificate on my blog.
I want to own a chia pet. I would name him Archibald (most likely)
Saturday, January 06, 2007
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! It's still funny to me.
Friday, January 05, 2007
My aunt Beth is "neat"
Well, I guess if you say so.....
My job has been going really well. I feel like I actually know what I'm talking about and doing, and that's always a good feeling. I will be working 8:30 to 5 like the rest of modern civilization now, and that makes me smile big teeth! I'm also on the assist que, which doesn't mean anything to probably anyone that's reading this (exept for Stephanie and whoever else works at Affina that may be reading this)...but just know, it's a good thing...a really good thing. I love love love the people I work with (with a few exceptions, of course) but for the most part, we're a pretty loveable bunch!
Teri is 7 months pregnant...well, at least that's what the doctor says. She thinks she's further along than that...either way, it's good news. The baby kicks ALL THE TIME, and we're ready to see him/her. I think they're having a boy, but they're still not telling.
Remember back in February when I posted all those pictures and whatnot of my trip to Minneapolis to see Erin and I told you guys about Mortal Chaos? Well, I totally found them on myspace the other night and couldn't be more excited! I'm planning a trip around my birthday to go up and see Erin, and we're totally going again. This time I"ll have a regular job to come back to, so that kind of sucks....but...we know how to squeeze a lot of fun into a small amount of time.
Tomorrow, we are having game night at Stephanie and Matt's house. Who doesn't love game night? I've got some mad skills and they are about to be unleashed upon that household. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!