It is now 5:15 a.m. here in Iowa. I have been awake for about 2 1/2 hours. You may be asking yourself, "Why ever would she be awake so early in the morning when she doesn't have to work tomorrow?" The answer, my fellow bloggers is this....I'M HURTY! For some reason or another, my wisdom tooth on my top left side decided it would be fun to grow in such a way, that the tips of the tooth (the jagged, sharp edges) are rammed into the hinge of my mouth where precious and tender flesh resides...or at least it used to. Imagine ramming two fork tines into the hinge of your mouth and leaving them there and everytime you open your mouth, they scrape across your tender flesh. I've resorted to stuffing my mouth with packing peanuts, cotton balls, bread...oh yeah, you heard it...bread. All of which, are only temporary solutions. I'm about ready to take a sander to the tooth and grind it down to the bare nubbins....the only reason I haven't done that yet, is because when I finally DO get dental insurance and can afford to get these suckers yanked out, I want the dentist to have something to hold onto while he's yanking away. I would take a picture for you guys, but a)ursula didn't get such hot reviews, so I'm not really sure pictures are what you guys want and b)my camera is in the car and I'm too lazy to go get it.