I know you guys have waited for these pictures...these things take time. For those of you who haven't heard the story...here goes. Last year when I went to visit Erin for my birthday, she had a gift certificate to a bar that was about to expire...so we said "what the heck?" When we arrived, there was a band playing...the band was "Mortal Chaos". Thus, begins the tradition. I usually try to visit Erin every year sometime in February. So, this year I went to http://www.mortalchaos.com and saw that they would be playing in Burnsville on the 18th of February. But this time, we would be prepared. We got out the crimpers and the blue eyeshadow. We even wrote a song about mortal chaos to get us in the mood for their 80's vibe. We had and awesome time and met some really cool people. There was this guy there...he's got the long hair in that picture with erin and the five polish guys....he knew every single word of every single song. Here are some pictures of me and Erin with a couple band members. The one in the black shirt is Pat and the one in the white shirt is Sam. We may not know every word, but we are forever....their super fans. :)
Somehow Erin, John and I got on the subject of grammar and the correct use of the word it and its and it's. I thought I had it all figured out...turns out I have been using the wrong form of the possessive its for a good portion of my life...for the record...Here's the rule. Its or It's? Its is the possessive pronoun; it modifies a noun. It's is a contraction of it is or it has. Incorrect: The mother cat carried it's kitten in it's mouth. (Possessive pronoun, no apostrophe) Correct: The mother cat carried its kitten in its mouth. Correct: I think it's going to rain today. (Contraction of it is) Correct: It's been a very long time. (Contraction of it has)
A little grammar lesson now and again never hurt anyone...this little tidbit totally rocked my world. Thanks for opening my eyes, guys!
Okay okay, I get the hint! You all want to see pictures of Erin's husband, John. I wasn't stalling, I am trying to go by a timeline here. This is Erin and John just before we started getting ready for the Mortal Chaos concert. Aren't they cutie? I don't know John's email, but I will get it....then you can all email him and tell him how cute he is. That would be fun!! Hmmm...what facts can I give you about John? Besides the fact that he's Erin's husband, he likes to golf, he likes the Beatles (trust me), he likes to play Phase 10 (as long as he wins), he can cook a mean fajita (and just about anything else). He often describes his and Erin's relationship as "a real life Dharma and Greg". Also, his car's name is Calvin. Okay, okay, so he really didn't have much, well, any say in his car's name, but Calvin is a really fitting name for a Volkswagon, Cabrio...don't you think? John also went up about three cool notches in my book because I recently learned that he used to own a Volkswagon Rabbit. God, I love that!
Here's a hodge podge of pictures from the german bar. A good time was had by plenty. I especially like the one of Erin pinching the bartender's butt. It must happen a lot because he doesn't even seem phased by it. The guy in the glasses...I'm not sure his name...but he was gettin' jiggy with us all night. Oh, and just to illustrate just how huge our beers were, that pic of Rick and me is showing my humongous beer and his weenie one.
On night #3, we saw the production of "Grease" at a community theatre. It was a good time. It's nice to see "Grease" done well. I've seen it plenty of times in highschool and once in college....but it is definately nice to see it at a bigger venue with a better budget and more of a selection for actors/actresses. It was fun, and Erin got to see a lot of the people she has worked with in past shows. From there, we headed on over to a bar. It was a fun german joint. Upstairs actually has a cute little restaurant where the menu is full of schnitzels and the waitresses have costumes condusive to German heritage. Then, downstairs....is one HUGE ASS PARTY. When we got there, we met up with John's friend, Rick and his friend Schuan (pronounced Shawn). We had a blast. Just know that the fun meters circled all the way around!! When we got there, Rick bought Erin and me HUGE beers. These beers were so big it took both hands to carry them and we each got sufficiently toasted on a single beer. I also got to relive some of my dancing experiences from the night before because there was a polka band at this place too! What luck! So, what's a girl to do? Show Rick and Schuan my new skills of course! (I'm pretty sure they were impressed) After a couple songs, the polka band would yell "Ziggy Zaggy Ziggy Zaggy" and the crowd yelled back "HOI HOI HOI!!" (pronounced HOY) It's a German thing...what the heck...play along, right? So, after about 10 polka songs or so, they had a dj and that's where we really shook our groove thangs.
Please allow me to interrupt this overview of my awesome weekend to tell you some news....I GOT A JOB!!!!! I'm so excited! I will be working for a nursing staffing agency full time. I will be in different hospitals and nursing homes. I will meet lots of new and exciting people. I can't wait! I'm so excited!
The second night, Erin took me to her favorite bar. It's a little polish bar that has lounge music in one room and polka in the other. It was so much fun...nothing I say could ever give it justice. I do have pictures though, and pictures are fun. We made a couple of new friends. Since they may or may not be checking this blog, I better give them their props. So, hello Kitty, Dale, Linda, Jackson and all of you other people that I was too wasted to remember your name. There was a man there named Roger, who I affectionately named "Rodge Podge Concoction" He tought me how to waltz and how to polka. I'm a lucky girl. Since this is Erin's favorite bar, she and Roger are old friends. Here are a couple pictures of them dancing and then Erin, Me and Roger.
Ok, so the first night I was in Minnesota, I didn't get there until like 5 o'clock, so we just kind of hung around the house. Erin's friend, Megan came over and asked if I would take some sort of personality tests. I'm here to tell ya...they are long. I bet I filled in at least 1200 of those little tiny bubbles (like the ones that are on the ACTs.) So, I'll keep you all informed as to whether I'm crazy or not. So, after Megan went to work, Erin and I stayed up until about 5 a.m. catching up and looking at pictures from college and whatnot. The next day, we got up around 12:30 p.m. At about 1:00 p.m. Erin's boss called asking if she was planning on attending a meeting that was scheduled for 12:30. So, to make a long story a little bit shorter, Erin had to drop me off at a little strip mall for 2 1/2 hours while she attended a meeting at work. So, luckily, I brought my camera with me. I only took four pictures, but they are quality ones :) I was sitting on a bench outside the strip mall with my hood up watching people and waiting for something interesting to happen. Then, I realized how creepy I looked sitting there watching people with my hood up, so I decided to take a couple pictures to show you guys how creepy I looked.
Okay, so I went to Minneapolis/St. Paul to visit my best friend, Erin. Who could have known what fun was in store for us? In the next couple of days I'm going to try my hardest to chronicle my time with Erin and her husband, John in Minnesota. I tried my best to keep my camera with me at all times, but you know how it is. Be forewarned....I am funny, and Erin is funny, but I think we might think we are funnier than we actually are. No, I take that back...we're funny.
Just giving you guys an update on the Uvula I have affectionately name Ursula. She has lost some weight, but isn't quite there yet. Keep her in your prayers.
I woke up this morning with a swollen Hangy Ball in the back of my throat. Other wise know as my uvula. It is about the size of a peanut M&M and I have been gagging on it all day long. Leaving me unable to speak and barely able to breathe. I can't figure out why my uvula would decide to be swollen today. Maybe he/she needs some extra attention. So, here you go, Uvula, you're on my blog. That's all the attention I can offer. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet....my Uvula.