Well, I had all of these grand ideas about things I was going to post to keep you guys up-to-date on my life. I know, you're on the edge of your seats and nails are chewed to the bare nubbins....Apparently, the camera that I took the raddest pictures on, doesn't want to upload the rad pictures to my computer....(breathe...i'll figure out a way). Anyway, as to not dissappoint (being the people-pleaser that I am (thanks, Steph)) I will blog about random things going on in my life. What have I been doing with my life these days, you ask? Well....I've been hanging out with my friend, Stephanie....a lot. Since most of you who are reading this blog are Nebraskans, I just want to let you know...that even though, I've finally made friends with an Iowegian or two, I'm happy to report that she calls Sloppy Joe's....say it with me now.........TAVERNS. I'm telling ya, the friendship was meant to be. Anyway, she's really cool. You guys would like her. I took some pics of Stephanie's kids yesterday....I'm going to try to draw them....I haven't drawn for awhile, so I thought I better get back into it before I forget how. It's nice to have friends in Iowa....ones that I'm not related to. I love my family dearly, but...well.....you know.
Did you guys know that it's Friday the 13th in October this year?!?! The next time this happens is in 11 years!!!!!! I want to have a monster bash...or maybe a spooky game-night. I don't know, but I definately think the occassion should be celebrated somehow. Raise your hand if you love Halloween....and Friday the 13th during Halloween season!!
Pyro-palooza is this weekend. I'm going to burn things like I've never burned before. I'm so excited. It will be fun to hang out with Michelle. I haven't seen her since she left Affina. I'm starting to miss that silly Sally. The ulcers are coming back full-force. That kinda sucks....I've been a little stressed out ....nothing too major. Well, comparitively speaking....I just hope i'm not doomed to eating tums like they're skittles for the rest of my life.
Ok, well....I'm going to try to get my friend Amanda to load my pictures onto her computer and email them to me...she's supposed to call me tonight. If she does it....YAY!! I will post them tonight....if not, I guess this little post-let will have to do until then. Thanks for reading, my faithful bloggers, I love you all and hope to talk to you soon!
P.s. leave me comments....they make me happy. :)