Tuesday, November 22, 2005
I was just thinking....volume 3
I was just thinking....with the holidays fast approaching....I start missing my friends. A lot of you are impossible to get ahold of. So, I want to reserve this little spot on my blog for you guys to tell me what you're doing for Thanksgiving. I think Amber and I are going to host Thanksgiving for the Petersen family this year. That should be a hoot. I'll post some pictures when I get them...but in the mean time...I'd like to know what you guys are doing for the festive holiday :)
Thursday, November 10, 2005
I was just thinking....volume 2
Becky's question "What part of the body are you most like? (You can't say genitals or butt)
In answer to Becky's question, Even though I am a very multi-dementional person, I have put some thought into this, and I think I am most like the shoulder. I'm not all up in your business, but all you have to do is turn slightly and there I am. Plus, I sunburn easily.
In answer to Becky's question, Even though I am a very multi-dementional person, I have put some thought into this, and I think I am most like the shoulder. I'm not all up in your business, but all you have to do is turn slightly and there I am. Plus, I sunburn easily.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
I was just thinking........ volume 1
If you want to be the popular one at a party, wait until no one is looking, then kick a burning log out of the fireplace onto the carpet. Then, jump on top of it with your body and yell, "Log o' fire! Log o' fire!" I've never done this, but I think it'd work.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
I was just thinking.....
This is my new thing I'm going to start on here. I came to the realization that this blog is starting to turn into a photo album of my neice. Actually, I was in full realization of that when I started the blog, but I was just thinking....that you guys, as readers of my blog, need more meat and potatoes and less dessert. Well, maybe not LESS dessert, but definately more meat and potatoes. I'm sorry I neglected your needs. So I'm starting this new portion of my blog entitled "I was just thinking..." So, if any of you want my opinion on something...let me know and I'll be sure to include it. If no one gives me a topic, I'll make up my own...and I'm not sure you want that...or do you?
Monday, November 07, 2005
Hunter's Christmas Pictures
Thursday, November 03, 2005
My Chadron Pals!!!!!!!!!!!! (some of them anyway)
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Punkie Power!!!!
Tessa doing my hair for the wedding

Here are a few more wedding pictures to tide you over until I get the rest from my camera. My sister in law, Teri, colored my hair two days before I left for Arkansas. (by the way, Teri, I got a lot of compliments on it) I got my hair "did" from Tessa (which I think she did a lovely job...Thank you Tessa) and there will be more pictures as soon as I get my film developed. :)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Tessa Tessa Bo Bessa
At least I'm here...........
So, I made it home safe and sound....that's more than I can say for my luggage. Don't act like you're suprised...it wouldn't be my life without a mishap of some kind. That would be too easy. I arrived in Des Moines ahead of schedule...feeling fine...except for a small urge to urinate. No big deal, I'll grab my luggage and head to the restroom. You know how when you wait for something, you have to pee? Well, waiting for my bags when I already had to pee wasn't just irritating...it was down-right pissing me off. So, needless to say, when the last bag came around and it wasn't mine, I was no happy camper. So I walked up to the counter and asked them to please track my bags and found out they were still in Chicago. The best news was that since it wasn't the airlines fault (don't ask me how losing my bags wasn't their fault) they weren't going to deliver them. They were trying to tell me that I had to drive 100 miles the next day to get them. So, after going to the restroom. I called customer service and told them a thing or two about a thing or two and low and behold, my bags arrived this morning....tattered...but here.
Deanne and Chris' Wedding
I got this picture from Tessa, the bridesmaid in the wine colored dress. I went to Arkansas last week and had so much fun with these girls. It was so nice being able to be there for my friend Deanne's wedding! There will be more wedding pictures posted when I get them, but I don't want to steal them all from Tessa :)

Kyla and Jaidyn
Hunter just being beautiful
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